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Unveiling the Stigmas of Pole Dancing and Veganism

In a world often dominated by preconceived notions and stereotypes, it's not every day that

you come across a unique intersection that challenges societal norms. Welcome to our space,

where veganism meets pole dancing – a powerful fusion that defies stereotypes and sparks

conversations. As proud vegan pole dancers, we are embarking on a quest to unravel the

stigmas surrounding these seemingly unrelated realms, sharing our passion for both and

delving into why breaking down these barriers matters to us. Step into a realm of

empowerment and liberation as we uncover the truths behind two worlds – the dynamic realm

of pole dancing and the mindful lifestyle of veganism.

Why does this matter to us? Because, like many, we've experienced the raised eyebrows and

incredulous looks when we mention our dual passion for pole dancing and veganism. We've

been met with skepticism and faced critical attitudes from others. Yet, we see an opportunity

for growth, understanding, and connection. By breaking down these stigmas, we hope to

inspire open-mindedness, foster inclusivity, and showcase the beauty that arises when

individuals embrace diverse facets of their identity.

Pole dancing is often associated with stereotypes involving strippers and sex workers as they

are the ones that pioneered the modern-day pole artistry we know and love today. Though, it is

essential to dispel these misconceptions that only sexually liberated entertainers dance on

poles. Pole dancing has evolved into a mainstream athletic practice and attracts participants

from various professional backgrounds, including doctors, therapists, stay-at-home moms,

small business owners, and various athletes. Notably, men and children also engage in pole art

and fitness.

It's crucial to acknowledge that the existing stigma surrounding pole dancing is not entirely

baseless. However, the key message we aim to convey is that people from diverse backgrounds

choose to pole dance and their choices deserve equal respect. Whether someone is a sex

worker or a nurse learning to pole dance, both deserve recognition and esteem, regardless of

their motives for incorporating pole dancing into their lives.

Contrary to popular misconceptions, pole dancing is inherently a feminist movement.

Individuals choose to pole dance for various reasons, including improving their health, athletic

leisure, boosting confidence, or expressing themselves creatively. This diverse range of

motivations is legitimate, whether someone is using pole dancing as a form of self-expression

or as a means to earn a living as an entertainer.

Similar to pole dancing, veganism often carries a challenging stigma and is similarly

unforgiving. Often linked with perceptions of preachiness, judgmental attitudes, and

malnourishment, being a vegan is a choice that comes with its own set of stereotypes. The

motivations behind activist’s vocal advocacy extend beyond personal expression, urging a

deeper understanding and open dialogue about these systems consumers are paying for daily.

Choosing vegan options in the 21st century is neither impractical nor extreme; and activists

aren't hesitant to point out cognitive dissonance, because they prioritize animal lives over

human emotion. Vegans are among the few willing to endure societal backlash to speak up for

these voiceless victims.

Furthermore, veganism aligns with feminist principles, as the meat, dairy, and egg industries

intentionally commodify and exploit female reproductive systems. These industries strip away

the autonomy of every individual subjected to their system, planning the day of their death

from the moment of birth, while imposing forced pregnancies and mutilating procedures on to

animals due to intolerable conditions. The underlying question prompts reflection: if we

wouldn't want such treatment for ourselves, why inflict it on others?

In essence, veganism emerges as a social justice movement aimed at aiding the most

oppressed and overlooked beings on the planet.

The parallels between the stigma of being a pole dancer and the stigma of being a

vegan are notable in the way both are misunderstood and carry stereotypes that don't

accurately represent the diversity within their respective communities.

Misconceptions and Stereotypes:

Pole Dancing: Stigmatized as associated only with strippers and sex workers, despite its

evolution into a mainstream athletic practice with participants from various backgrounds.

● Veganism: Stigmatized as preachy, judgmental, and extreme, with the misconception that

all vegans want to control others. This overlooks the ethical motivations behind choosing a

plant-based lifestyle.

Evolution and Diversity:

Pole Dancing: Evolved into a respected mainstream athletic practice with participants from

diverse professions and backgrounds, challenging the initial stereotypes while still holding SW in high regard for their contribution to modern day pole dancing.

Veganism: Involves a diverse community with various motivations, including ethical

concerns, health benefits, and environmental sustainability.

Feminist Movements:

● Pole Dancing: Recognized as a feminist movement where individuals choose to pole for

personal benefits like health, confidence, or self-expression.

Veganism: Posited as pro-feminist due to its critique of industries that exploit female

reproductive rights and personal autonomy in the meat, dairy, and egg industry.


Pole Dancing: Emphasizes that individuals, regardless of their background, deserve respect

for their choice to pole dance, highlighting personal benefits and empowerment.

Veganism: Advocates for animals that lack a voice and endure societal backlash to speak up

against the exploitation and commodification of them in the food industry.

Challenging Societal Norms:

Pole Dancing: Challenges traditional views by breaking away from its association solely with

sex work, highlighting the diversity of participants and their reasons for engaging in pole

dancing. Whether someone engages in pole for leisure or as part of their profession in SW.

SW should not be looked down upon.

Veganism: Challenges societal norms by questioning the ethics of consuming animal

products, despite facing criticism for being perceived as impractical or extreme.

In essence, whether twirling around a pole or savoring a plant-based meal, the resounding

message is clear: it's a call to break free from stereotypes, champion personal choices, and

extend respect and understanding to all, regardless of occupation or species. Both pole dancing

and veganism beckon us toward a paradigm shift, challenging age-old beliefs. As we navigate

these empowering realms, may we embrace the beauty of diversity, both in movement and in

lifestyle, fostering a world that celebrates individuality and compassion.

-Jaqueline Santos, Proud Vegan Pole Dancer

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